Saturday, November 22, 2008

Greens Arts Barns Open!

After a couple of growing seasons

Thursday's Grand Opening

Taking in the farmer's market

Wow! After all the anticipation, the Green Arts Barns (now called the Artscape Wychwood Barns) opened on Thursday. Today we went to the first Farmers Market, which will held year-round on Saturday mornings. So much bustle and great food. We saw many familiar faces from the community, which turned out in force. The vendors certainly looked like they had their hands fulls and their stores emptied quickly.

It's such a great community feature. I can't wait to go skating there this winter or to take Isaac to the playground and water park next spring and summer.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanks Dad for your help and visit

What about apple pie for little boys?

Fascinated with the coffee pot

Dad was up for a visit this past week and got a chance to hang out with Isaac and enjoy Nonni's fine, fine cooking (yah, apple pie!). It wasn't all fun and games, though. Dad helped me to paint the upstairs, getting rid of the ugly pink hallway in the process. Between that and the various other chores we accomplished that week we got a lot done. Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Warm Early November

Peering up from the bottom

Playing in the sand with friends

The really warm weather this early November was a boon to all the parents home with kids. Everyone made a real effort to get out to the park every day this past week before winter sets in. Pretty soon we'll have to bundle them up good and tight before taking them out.

I hope you enjoyed it while you could, kidlets!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bye Bye Natasha

The Long Painful Goodbye

Turns out that our buyer found out about Natasha from's Project Car Hell. Apparently, in the eyes of our buyer, Natasha the 1987 Lada Signet beats the 1960 Dodge Power Wagon Town Wagon hands down. In fact, she was such a catch that he came all the way up from Michigan to tow her back.

While I know that the plaintive whine in the video is the winch, part of me likes to think that it is Natasha's sad cry of farewell.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What has fate in store for Natasha?

Blurriness courtesy of infant sized thumbprint on camera lens :-)

Our 1987 Lada Signet was named Natahsa by Al Shaw, one of Isaac's namesakes and her previous owner. She has taken us all over the GTA during the past year and a half. Included in the various errands and trips was the most precious delivery home of our most precious delivery.

Well, it's be a rough 6 months for Natasha and we've decided that the money needed to keep her purring would be better off in an RESP or spent on renos.

After putting her up for sale, we had some interest from local enthusiasts looking for a project but we turned out to be asking a little too much. After our ad was noticed by (who knew?) we received a flurry of enquiries and entreaties. By that time we had already found a buyer...

Stay tuned to find out what happens!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Witness to history

Isaac isn't the only one who's been waiting

If only we had someone as inspiring

Amazing to think that in 17 years time (or whenever Isaac becomes politically aware), an Obama presidency will be historical fact receding in the rear view mirror.