Saturday, December 29, 2007

Let's have our bath!

Isaac loves nothing more than to get down to basics on the change table and enjoy the freedom and fresh air...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Little Man has a way to go...

We enjoyed Isaac's first Christmas with three big meals in a row - Christmas Eve at our house, Christmas Day at my parents, and Boxing Day at Nonni's. Here's Isaac on the floor at Nonni's with cousin Michael. Isaac has a way to go before he's as tall as his cousin! The striped Christmas outfit comes courtesy of cousin Jayla... she got to wear it last year :)

If you look closely, you can make out the feet on his sleeper: little reindeer!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Can you guess which one is our favorite present this year?

Monday, December 17, 2007


... looks like the possibilities of being the Little Man On Campus are starting to dawn on him.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Learn to have fun, kid!

While on campus, Isaac had trouble getting in the mood for student life. Oh well, you've got another 18 years to warm up to the idea ...

Monday, December 10, 2007

"All their lives, radio listeners!"

Isaac and I navigated the TTC to the CBC building last Friday where they were having an open house in support of the Daily Bread Food Bank. Paddy came to meet us over his lunch hour, and we were part of the live taping of "Ontario Today". Friday's show included a performace by the Nathaniel Dett Chorale, an outstanding Toronto-based chorale that you can check out at

On our way home on the subway we had a great talk with a fellow passenger who was in a wheel chair. I commented to him that it is quite difficult to navigate through the subway stations with a stroller, and obviously it's even more difficult in a wheel chair. As a last resort, atleast I can pick Isaac and the stroller up and haul him up stairs. Only about a third of the stations are wheel chair friendly. If you are in a chair, he said, you know where you can get off and where you can't. Imagine trying to navigate this endless city in a wheel chair - I have so much respect for that people that do; it's certainly not easy!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Lazy Saturday

The kids are conked out for the moment. Soon we'll all (minus the cat!) head out to grab up some Christmas decorations, lights, and hopefully even a tree.

Enjoy the approaching Holiday Season, everyone!
Paddy, Jen, Isaac, & Mitsi

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Elves

The Christmas season is upon us, and the elves at our house are having fun getting ready for the holidays. Here's the four of us (including Mitsi the cat) doing a little elf dance: