Sunday, June 22, 2008

Switzerland (2)

We spent a few days in Winterthur, and then headed to the Alps to Vrin, where Peggy and Steffen were married last fall. Isaac helped the hotel proprietor, Marcellina, tend the bar. His first job!

Switzerland (1)

Isaac and I made a trip across the ocean to visit Markus and Peggy, Steffen and baby Lilli. Isaac was a real tropper on the plane and we made it there and back safely. Thanks to Markus for picking us up and dropping us off at the airport in Zurich. Lilli was just 2 months at the time of our trip.... Isaac's Swiss girlfriend :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We celebrated Father's Day at my parent's house, and Isaac and Jayla enjoyed the kiddie pool that we picked up at a garage sale.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dufferin Grove Farmers Market

In June we enjoyed a number of Thursday afternoons at the Dufferin Grove Farmers Market. It's a great place to pick up some local Ontario produce and lounge on a blanket with your friends :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Isaac at the lake

Isaac had his first dip in a lake in June, up at Steve's cottage near Peterborough. The water was a wee bit chilly, but that didn't seem to bug him. He also experienced his first mosquito and black fly bites, grrr!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

9 Months Old!

Ol' sawbones is definitely having more fun than the LM

Isaac tipped the scales at 22 lbs 3 oz. The best part was no vaccinations. It'll be a different story when he turns a year!

Friday, June 6, 2008

June City Adventures

Erin O'Ray came to visit from Pettawawa with her sister and three kids (Maeve 4, Dan 2, and Bronwyn 9 months). Here we are waiting for the subway to take us down to Center Island, with neighbours Minna, Max and Armaus. Our day at Centerville was one of my favourites ever... the older kids had so much fun on the rides - their joy was unbelievable thrilling!