Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Storytime with Grandma

We try to read to Isaac a little bit each day. He doesn't always have the patience to sit through an entire reading, though. Truth be told, at this point, Isaac's biggest thrill is usually putting the book in his mouth. What can you do?

Louise helping Isaac to learn his ABC's

At night, though, he's definitely gotten used to the two books (Goodnight Moon & Time For Bed) we read him each night. It's pleasing to have him settle down and take well to this routine.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jolly Jumping!

We finally set up the Jolly Jumper for Isaac to try out. I predict many happy times for the Little Man in the time ahead. He was having a whale of a time today :-)

First moments in Jolly Jumper!

Friday, March 7, 2008

6 months old!

Isaac is six months old today. He now weighs 19 lbs 2 oz and is 70 cm long.

Here I am in the waiting room killing time with Isaac as we do what everyone does at the doctor's office:

Here's the doctor taking Isaac's vitals.

Needless to say that Isaac was given 2 more vaccinations. Thank goodness he only has two chubby thighs or there would have been more!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Neighbourhood Boyz Crew!

Looks like we've got enough little men to field a team for little league soccer!

Monday, March 3, 2008

yoga babies

Here's Isaac searching for inner peace at Mom & Baby Yoga.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hands are so interesting

a little morning moment with the little man

Isaac always wakes up so happy! As you can see, his fascination with his hands continues :-)

Also, note mom & baby's matching pj's!

First meal

Isaac got his first bites of brown rice cereal today. Isaac's Grammy was on hand to give us some tips on how to get it all in there.

I sampled some of it and tastes exactly like what it looks like: GRUEL!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Brunch with Rebecca

Our friend Rebecca W. had the three of us over for a wonderful brunch today. Isaac definitely has an eye for pizza! Rebecca had tulips on the table to try to inspire a spring-like mood, which wasn't hard to do in her light-filled apartment.... a sharp contrast to the snow on the ground outside!