Saturday, November 22, 2008

Greens Arts Barns Open!

After a couple of growing seasons

Thursday's Grand Opening

Taking in the farmer's market

Wow! After all the anticipation, the Green Arts Barns (now called the Artscape Wychwood Barns) opened on Thursday. Today we went to the first Farmers Market, which will held year-round on Saturday mornings. So much bustle and great food. We saw many familiar faces from the community, which turned out in force. The vendors certainly looked like they had their hands fulls and their stores emptied quickly.

It's such a great community feature. I can't wait to go skating there this winter or to take Isaac to the playground and water park next spring and summer.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanks Dad for your help and visit

What about apple pie for little boys?

Fascinated with the coffee pot

Dad was up for a visit this past week and got a chance to hang out with Isaac and enjoy Nonni's fine, fine cooking (yah, apple pie!). It wasn't all fun and games, though. Dad helped me to paint the upstairs, getting rid of the ugly pink hallway in the process. Between that and the various other chores we accomplished that week we got a lot done. Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Warm Early November

Peering up from the bottom

Playing in the sand with friends

The really warm weather this early November was a boon to all the parents home with kids. Everyone made a real effort to get out to the park every day this past week before winter sets in. Pretty soon we'll have to bundle them up good and tight before taking them out.

I hope you enjoyed it while you could, kidlets!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bye Bye Natasha

The Long Painful Goodbye

Turns out that our buyer found out about Natasha from's Project Car Hell. Apparently, in the eyes of our buyer, Natasha the 1987 Lada Signet beats the 1960 Dodge Power Wagon Town Wagon hands down. In fact, she was such a catch that he came all the way up from Michigan to tow her back.

While I know that the plaintive whine in the video is the winch, part of me likes to think that it is Natasha's sad cry of farewell.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What has fate in store for Natasha?

Blurriness courtesy of infant sized thumbprint on camera lens :-)

Our 1987 Lada Signet was named Natahsa by Al Shaw, one of Isaac's namesakes and her previous owner. She has taken us all over the GTA during the past year and a half. Included in the various errands and trips was the most precious delivery home of our most precious delivery.

Well, it's be a rough 6 months for Natasha and we've decided that the money needed to keep her purring would be better off in an RESP or spent on renos.

After putting her up for sale, we had some interest from local enthusiasts looking for a project but we turned out to be asking a little too much. After our ad was noticed by (who knew?) we received a flurry of enquiries and entreaties. By that time we had already found a buyer...

Stay tuned to find out what happens!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Witness to history

Isaac isn't the only one who's been waiting

If only we had someone as inspiring

Amazing to think that in 17 years time (or whenever Isaac becomes politically aware), an Obama presidency will be historical fact receding in the rear view mirror.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en 2008

Our little pumpkin

Poaching one from the bowl

So we had Isaac dressed up as a pumpkin this year, courtesy of Jen's efforts with some felt and a needle & thread. The weather was so mild that Isaac could toddle around outside, dressed as you see him, and marvel at all the older kids out with their parents. Fun times!

Friday, October 10, 2008

First Steps

Isaac has been gradually getting to the point of walking this past little while. A few months ago, he started cruising around coffee tables. Last week he took his first couple of steps. Finally, today he started putting it all together and, well, take a look for yourself...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Cousins, cousins, cousins!

Isaac and his 2nd Cousins, Cole and Ryan

While in Cape Breton, we got a chance to visit with my cousin Evan and his little boys. Ryan is just 8 weeks old so it was a perfect time to meet him. Congratulations again, Evan and Alicia!

West Mabou Beach

Surveying the beach

Beach bum!

The scenery in Cape Breton is simply stunning. If you ever get a chance to visit out East, make sure it is on your travels. And, hey, while you're at it, stop by the Smith family farm in Smithville, Cape Breton!

Friday, August 15, 2008

En route to Cape Breton

Crossing the Canso Causeway

Lobster for lunch!

The toy that works when all else fails

Taking Jen and Isaac along on the familiar drive to Cape Breton was a great way to share memories of growing up with them. It's a bit longer now that Dad lives in Dartmouth instead of Truro.

A stop for lunch just before the causeway was definitely necessary! Luckily for Isaac, we took the fish chowder over the lobster.

For a 5 hour trip, it went pretty well. By the end, Isaac was getting pretty restless so calling in the cavalry (Mommy's sunglasses) saved the day (on the way back as well!).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tristan & Adele

Last August, Andrew and family stayed with us in Toronto when they were up for a wedding. While they attended the ceremony, Jen (then 8.5 months pregnant) & I babysat the kids. That afternoon at the park playground, a number of parents exclaimed over our bravery for having a third. We hastily assured them that Tristan and Adele were just rentals and we weren't that crazy. Well, it's been a year, and we are in the thick of it now. Thanks, Tristan & Adele, for the dry-run at parenting last year!

ps - Thanks for a wonderful meal and evening, Andrew & Carol!

Visiting with Erin and her kids

Isaac with new friends Molly & Sam

Thank you Erin for lunch!

We had a great chance to have a visit with Erin McDonald and her little ones. It had been a number of years since I had last seen my good high school friend. My, how life has changed 15 years down the road :-)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Unwinding out east

Dad's famous Chicken and Broccoli wrapped in Bacon

Enjoying dinner and the view of Halifax out on the deck

Now that we are in Halifax (Dartmouth, actually) we can relax and enjoy a couple of weeks before the summer ends. It'll also be another great opportunity to spend time with friends and family and have them meet Isaac for the first time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Taking the flight path less travelled

Enjoying the ride across from downtown to the Island Airport

It doesn't take much to amuse the LM

Don't worry - we're not leaving without you!

Despite the controversey which has by now largely abated, we decided to take a Porter Airlines flight for our trip out to Halifax. Gotta say that avoiding the trip out to Pearson, a spacious waiting lounge with free latte's (but no hot chocolate!) & cookies & internet kiosks & newspapers, free food & booze on the flight, and friendly service all appeal to those living in or near the downtown. Me? I just dig it for what's reputedly the world's shortest ferry!

Monday, August 11, 2008

All set for the baptism

Nothing better than playing dress-up with the LM

Somehow Isaac knows that he will have a hard time living this down in later years

Nonni (Jen's grandmother) and Louise (Jen's mother) couldn't resist the opportunity that a baptism presented to doll Isaac up. He looks pretty spiffy!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weekend at Lac Sam

Enjoying the lac (that's French for lake) with the LM

Heidi and Manuela (visiting from Italy!) in the canoe, Anton in the kayak

4 roomies from back in the day at Guelph

Many thanks to Erin for inviting us all up to her family's cottage outside of Ottawa on the Quebec side. It's always great to get out of the GTA, especially when the endpoint is a secluded lake! Fortunately, we were out of town for the big propane explosion and the ensuing traffic snarl.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Good Sunday Morning to you!

The LM can't resist the camera

While entertaining Isaac (or is that being entertained by Isaac?) this morning, I took this video.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Life by the poolside

Almost ready for Beijing

Almost 30 years ago when Nonni was looking for a new house, Jennifer, then age 4, suggested one with a pool. Nonni took that advice and the family has enjoyed it ever since.

For the past little while, we've been staying with Nonni. Given the warm summer weather, it should come as no surprise that the daily routine includes a dip in the pool for the LM.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Law of the jungle

With a sinking feeling, the rooster realizes this won't be his day

Inevitably, Isaac establishes dominance

Isaac seems to gravitate to the strangest item in the room. Needless to say, this decorative rooster was more than a few feathers lighter by the end of our stay.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dinner with Kathy & Kim

Sharing a laugh as the LM opens a gift

Enjoying the rock garden (and wine!) from the sunroom

While in Thunder Bay, we were invited over for dinner at Kathy and Kim Marsland's. My mother and Kathy taught together when they were just beginning their teaching careers all those years ago at Selkirk Collegiate.

Thanks for the wonderful meal and hospitality, Kathy & Kim!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Folk on the Rocks

We took in Yellowknife's folk festival, Folk on the Rocks, with our awesome YK hosts, Alex and Tania. It was really great to see old friends again and to soak up the midnight sun north of 60! Isaac perfected his crawling and started to pull himself up on things in Yellowknife. Beware the mobile baby....


Isaac and I paid a visit to my old stomping ground, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Here we are with the polar bear-chasing-the-seal at at aiport, Isaac in a hammock on Andrew's houseboat, and visiting with Julie Jackson and Jenn Steidman.

Thunder Bay (2) Harris Hospitality

We were hosted by the Harris' and had a fabulous time with Scott and Helen, Jodi and Ricardo. Helen taught Isaac "high five" and "wink" and we spent a glorious few days at their cabin on the Wolf River, where we enjoyed the sauna.

Thunder Bay (1) Family Times

Patrick's mom's side of the family is from Thunder Bay. We went to their camp on Dog Lake for the Canada Day long weekend where Isaac had his first ride in a canoe, curtosey of great-uncle Willie.

Great-uncle Perry and great-aunt Joanne treated Isaac to his first taste of Finnish pancakes at the Hoito. We paid Joanne a visit at her store, Chaltrek, shop there for outdoors gear when in Thunder Bay!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Switzerland (2)

We spent a few days in Winterthur, and then headed to the Alps to Vrin, where Peggy and Steffen were married last fall. Isaac helped the hotel proprietor, Marcellina, tend the bar. His first job!